"Every age gets the hero it deserves, and Sater seems perfectly suited for ours,..."
Sater Goes to Russia; Stinger Missiles, Bin Laden, PLUS Regency Capital (1996-2002?)
Covers the period following the collapse of White Rock/State Street during which Felix Sater goes to Russia for business deals post-Soviet Union collapse; reported recruitment by Defense Intelligence Agency; hunt for Stinger missiles, Bin Laden, intel on Al Qaeda
Patrick Byrne Deep Capture-Sater Allegations; 2019 Reversal
Reviews the history and timeline of Patrick Byrne's allegations regarding Felix Sater, his alleged ties to the Michael Milken and Mogilevich networks, how Byrne's (and Mark Mitchell's) claims regarding Sater-Mogilevich ties ended up in a 2015 Supreme Court writ; Byrne's later reversal Aug 2019
9/11 Financial Crimes Allegations: gold money laundering
OPTIONAL READ: Unclear if this unpublished report of research is entirely accurate or if it has to do with Felix Sater; in 2016 interview post-election, he referred to 9/11 financial crimes. Unpub. 2008 report review goes into alleged stolen gold and massive money laundering into the trillions of dollars